Monday, May 26, 2008

We have a blog!

Hi everyone,
We have a blog!  it's a great place to post news and events as well have others interested in Channel 7 to come and see what we're up to and how they can get involved.
So, if you have something that you'd like posted feel free to email it to me at and i can put it up.  
In the next day or two i'm going to start posting show concepts with the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where and why...which all lead to HOW).  I think this might be a good place for anyone that is interested in actually producing to start as it will give everyone else a clear idea of what they'd specifically like to get on air and what they'll need (people, equipment, $$, etc) to do it.

The sooner we get the ball rolling, the sooner we'll start making a significant, positive impact on the community.  Let's get to it!

Also, check out our new website at:

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